Corrective Statement regarding the Australian Spill Control Industry Standard for Spill Response Kits (ASCIS2695)


Corrective statement

AusSpill Association Limited (AusSpill)

Spill Station Australia Pty Ltd (Spill Station)

Mr Nathan Cartwright (Mr Cartwright)

AusSpill is responsible for the creation of a document it describes as “the Australian Spill Control Industry Standard for Spill Response Kits” (ASCIS2695).

AusSpill, Spill Station and Mr Nathan Cartwright have made various publications and statements describing ASCIS2695 in various ways, which Global Spill Control Pty Ltd alleged were misleading and deceptive conduct pursuant to Australian Consumer Law.

Following mediation between the parties, AusSpill, Spill Station and Mr Cartwright would like to clarify the following matters:

· ASCIS2695 is not an Australian Standard, Industry Standard or a standard;

· AusSpill does not represent the majority of the retailers, manufacturers or suppliers of spill control / response equipment in Australia;

· It is not mandatory for any person, business or corporation to comply with ASCIS2695, whether by law or otherwise;

· There is no Australian Standard, or other regulation, law or otherwise in Australia, as to the colour of spill control kit containers; and

· Products which contain the AusSpill mark of compliance are not superior to products that do not contain the AusSpill mark.