A Voice for the Spill Control Industry
AusSpill Association (AA) represents Australian environmental spill control manufacturers, retailers, resellers, wholesalers & importers with a voice.
AA is product agnostic and strives to represent at a whole of industry level, all spill control groups. The Association has adopted a broad whole-of-industry approach to best practice and developing a viable long term industry for all members.
The May 2012 decision by Chief Executives representing five (5) key industry participants to establish a product-agnostic industry representative body was to ensure that all spill control product-types and services groups have the option to appoint their own Board member.
AusSpill to be recognised – via its role as a voice for Australia’s spill control industry – as contributing to both its member companies’ prosperity and the on-going achievement of international best-practice industry standards
AusSpill strives to:
- be valued by members who see the Association as contributing to their prosperity
- be a leading provider of continuing technical input into the development of Australian codes & standards
- promote the spill control industry’s on-going contribution to Australia’s environmental protection.
AusSpill is a product-agnostic organisation structured so that all spill control product-types and services groups may represented by a Board member.
Membership is open to all industry participants subject to an Application Process. A Membership Expression-of-Interest form with more details is available from the AusSpill Secretary at secretary@ausspill.com.au or on the Membership page